
Monday, January 16, 2012


If you have made it to here it is because you don't know I've moved...
You can now find me on:

Creative Signe

See you there!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Green Island

If you come to visit, I will take you to Green Island. That is a promise!

Notice the water temperature

Nicola chillin in the shade

Nicola getting ready for some exploring

The view looking one way

The view from underneath the tree

The view looking the other way...

We DID bring a gadget which was supposed to let us take pictures under water. It didn't work. I took a few pictures from the pier, to show some of the fish we saw under water, but it in no way does justice to the magical world in the ocean.

Mr Shark (bronze whaler)

While in the water, I saw something I have never even heard of (sorry for not paying attention Mr Attenborough): the showelnosed shark! Let's just say I could not believe my eyes. I have never seen anything like it. We saw one, which I declare to be 3 meters long (fishermans gene) another a little smaller. There were many, many turtles, stingrays and other amazing animals... the pictures of the showelnosed shark and the turtle are from the Green Island website!

What goes around

I have had 48 hours of goodness exploding my way. I know the idea is that I do good things to others, but there sure are many people who do good things to me too.

It stated with a note in the mailbox saying I had mail (no, it started with us going to Green Island, but you don't want to hear about that):

Notice that it says 2 parcels are waiting for you! I got so excited I left my keys in the mailbox and forgot all about them.

One parcel I had ordered myself - which is slightly cheating - but WOW do they know how to make you happy with your order at T2 tea. I love that company and put it at the very top of "good things".

The second parcel was from my brother and contained our Christmas presents. I was so excited by the content that I forgot to take a photo once we had unwrapped the presents. I got TWO fantastic books - crime novels - by authors I have never heard of - woop woop!. I headed straight for the sofa, with the lollies only a Dane would cry in joy to receive.

I stayed on the sofa for the rest of the day (and night) and the supportive husband stated: I will make you something REALLY nice for lunch. Sit tight, its going to be amazing. Woo hoo, Italian cheffie go go go! With a massive smile and a "see what I did" face, he presented me with a hotdog! I decided to eat it in the spirit it was presented - it HAS to be a man thing (it was yummy).

This morning someone knocked quite persistently on our front door. Outside stood a young Chinese man with my keys: "I think you left these in your mailbox"

I don't care what anyone says! Today I'm listening to Justin Timberlake "what goes around, comes around, goes around, comes all the way back around'

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What a difference a day makes...

6 am: Nicola keeps asking me if I want to sleep some more; I ask why; this picture is taken.

9 am: I am sligtly more awake, posing nicely!

11 am: sitting in the shade, nice and relaxed

3.15 pm: after 5 hours of total bliss, I might be leaving the island slightly high because THEN

3.16 pm: this happens. The cruise had a fotographer taking pictures of all of us. The MANY nice Japanese and Chinese tourists obliged and did their turist pose. I didn't. What was fun at the time.... they showed the pictures on 1 sillion screens on rotation every 5 minutes all over the cruise. By the time we reached Cairns 1 hour 15 min later I was talked about. This probably also had something to do with the husband and I shouting "... here she comes, here she comes, HELLO FATTY!" every time the picture appeared.
I'm not expecting locals discount next time we show up...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

News from Greenland

Did you know that Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) has the highest percentage of internet users in the world? 92% of the population uses or know how to use the internet. Impressive and good news all around. They are also really savvy when it comes to engaging with electronic media, which holds them in high esteem in my world; not only because they are smart, but because it makes my daily read of News from Greenland so much more entertaining. Greenlanders comment on everything!!

Like today, when Sermitsiaq brought this lovely picture from Christiansborg (Danish parliament) where it was celebrated that our queen has been queen for 40 years.

Why read this? Because the commentators never fail me! Inuk Human Tittussen wrote: Ha ha Ellen Chemnitz (lady in the middle), you have a finger in your ear!

Hurray for Inuk Human Tittussen!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Friends with Dalai Lama

I'm friends with the Dalai Lama on facebook. Oh YES we are real close. I can actually brag that I have met the Dalai Lama twice (in Copenhagen) and been blessed by him on one occasion - I stalked him through the city and threw myself at him in a hotel lobby, but never mind (wouldn't that just have been so much more worth it if I was a Buddhist?)

ANYWAY! Mr Lama has a lovely facebook site, updated by other people, telling us what he says.
This is what he said yesterday: "The creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the individual, and from there it can expand to one's family, to one's neighborhood, to one's community and so on."

We should have know this all along: Mr Dalai Lama IS the Happiness Project! If ever I needed an explanation for this whole mess, I should have known I could look to the East. SO! If you see me in orange and burgundy during the next year of hippie-happiness, don't be scared! It's just me seeking inspiration, taking drastic measures - or feeling an urgent need to expand to my community.

On 3 January 2012 Mr Lama said something that I find truly beautiful; sharing it with you is my good deed of today - I hope you spend some time thinking about it, just like I have:

"Compassion is something really worthwhile. It is not just a religious or spiritual subject, not a matter of ideology. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity"

Join a Cause?

Yesterday was a great day and I was good ALL day. The Problem is that I don' know if it counts.

Yesterday was the husband's birthday. I took the day off (because he had the day off) and he was pampered! But what kind of girlfriend (wife) would I be if I didn't? Does it count to be good on days where you are expected to be good? Even planned to be good for yonkers of time?

I don't know the answer to this question and was therefore really, REALLY pleased when one of my Facebook friends asked me to join a cause! It is the "stop Youtube accepting and showing cruelty to animals" cause; I signed up straight away - good deed done. Before I continue, let's not get confused: I would run an animal shelter if it wasn't against our rental agreement. BUT! A: Youtube is not 'showing' the videos, they are uploaded by dickheads. B: cruelty to animals is banned by law in most countries. The question therefore remains if the people who created the cause on facebook may have been slightly offbeat and it should have been the “stop Youtube’s solicitation of illegal animal cruelty” – cause; the “Dickheads who upload animal cruelty videos should be prosecuted” – cause; or the “Youtube needs more staff to screen uploaded crap” –cause.

ANYHOW, animal cruelty is animal cruelty and I ALWAYS support people who are good to animals! It also dawned on me that I now have a way out on all the days I haven’t been good! Join a cause, donate something, make awareness....I will have to make a list.

Leaving you with that thought for today, I will upload some pictures from yesterday:

Breakfast including: mango, dragon-fruit (with lime), Nashi pear and lycees.

Dinner of sushi, including sushi made with Japanese wagyu beef - and a picture taken during preparation, just to prove that I didn't pick it up somewhere.

AND TADA: the ultimate boyfriend birthday present: A day spent at Green Island, snorkling and swimming with the turtles. That is on Thursday.