Despite the prior described crisis, I have completed the 'do one good thing today' task with flying colours this lovely Saturday. Saturday is an eeeaaasy day for chirpy wellbeing, especially in Cairns.

Not only have I been hootchie-smootching with my husband most of the day, presenting him with healthy brekkie, swimming in the pool, making burgers for dinner, we also did a welfare walk in Palm Cove before dinner.

Here is what happened on the pier: I was asked not once, not twice, but three times to take pictures of tourists with their rod in hand on Palm Cove Pier (no fish). A breeze mate, sure thing, absolutely, smile, fantastic, got it!
Was I a happy participant? Are you kiddin? It counts extra in my book to do good things for strangers. Three point to me!

To finish the afternoon we strolled along the beach, found a bench and this picture is taken while I lean into the strong arms of my sweetheart. Wooptidoo I kid you not!
Unfortunately, the freaking Devil to the left cannot be quiet - he has to disclose that I almost started a nasty project for the blog, a photo-doc of the lovely people of Cairns. This was while queuing at Woolies where I met these lovely men. The picture, taken in secret, pretending I was an ass to use my phone, in no way captured their North Queensland folklore.... it also didn't capture the wife with three missing teeth and massive tattoos and a beer gut. The second picture in this photo-doc could very well be the family still-leben from Palm Cove Pier, daddy chucking down a stubby.... aaahhhh North Queensland Saturdays!
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