
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Happiness Project

One more blog of written words only and then I'll get started with showing what my creative self has done recently - most likely you will think it is ugly crochet by an old colour blind person, but I live in the happy persuasion that I have a streak of funkyness in me.
Anyway! In my last post I encouraged you to go visit Pip on
I still think you should. The thing is, Pip has caught onto this thing called The Happiness Project
- a 2012 challenge to make yourself and others happy.

WELL - did that get my knickers in a knot! I have been tossing and turning and grinding my teeth about this. It turns every cell in my body. I turn split personality! One part of me is cynical, pragmatic and vomiting at this happy chirpy hallelujah crap. How convenient to sit in one of the richest places in the world and think happiness is created by poaching eggs (sorry Pip). BUT then the other part of me is totally in tune with the thought. I ABSOLUTELY believe in love; it's the core of all my beliefs - together with kindness, friendliness, goodness, generosity and happiness (and all their good cousins). My husband is 75% cynical and 25% kindness and he thinks I'm slightly naive, which has led to 12 years of explaining that "naive is when you don't get it - I get that people are not necessarily going to be nice, just because I am, but that is not the point. I can still choose to be nice"

SO HERE GOES - I am going to join The Happiness Project and I will report, like Pip, on the things I have done each day out of love, to make people happy. I already see the mower of tall poppies going crazy, spilling our chirpy blood in a frenzy. I know it is indulgent - self indulgent - "clap at me, I'm good" self indulgent. BUT it is a basic truth that love grows love, just as violence grows violence. I can only be in charge of my near surroundings - I cannot fly around the world and cure people with love - and in these surroundings of mine, I'm going to spread the love!

I will start with 1 January 2012 and in retrospect list the following loving things I've done in 2012:

1 January: I spent 3 hours on the computer writing emails to people I love and care about, wishing them a Happy New Year, with lots of hugs and kisses (this is a Danish thing I will need to blog about at a later stage - we hug and kiss a lot). I also made breakfast for my husband and kissed him out of bed.

2 January: I bought myself a TV. We haven't had a TV for heaps of years because we felt it generated too much hate and despair in our household, so in hindsight I don't know if it was a good idea... but I did it out of love to myself as I imagine that I will sit on my sofa (which I made out of love for everyone who enters our household see blog on sofa-bed-sofa) watch movies, while I crochet lovely things.

3 January: Now this was a good day for love. I got up early and baked the most fantastic cinnamon rolls for breakfast. My husband behaved in the best possible way, pretending I hadn't woken him with all the noise and rose to the breakfast table in delight, kissed me and told me that I'm the best wife ever. HELL YEAH!! THEN! I shared the recipe with three friends and let my husband take rolls to work and they all loved them and now want to make them at the restaurant. THAT my friends is now love returns to its original source!

4 January: today. Well, them cinnamon rolls have a lot of love in them. I brought a box of them to work to share. I am currently spreading the love!
Update on 4 January; this is an email I received from Mandy after leaving a cinnamon roll on her desk: "Thank you for the yummiest Danish I have ever tried!!! I downed it in 5 seconds flat….. Much appreciated!"
How is that for cinnamon flavoured love!

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